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Those of you who remember the Sims 2 University event held in November 2003 might be excited to know that Maxis has held another event like that this weekend. The Sims VIP SIMposium (sponsored by nVidia) at EA Redwood Shores (Redwood City, California, near San Francisco) was a big source for new information about the first expansion pack for the Sims 2, but it was also a great opportunity for key community members - that includes fansite webmasters and modders - to give input to Maxis, and tell them what you, the fans, want in the game in future expansion packs. We even got an exclusive interview with Will Wright, that will be posted on this site in the near future. Check this site in a few days for the start of a series of articles with information regarding the Sims 2 and University, as well as a lot of other interesing things.

Written at 10:04 on Sunday, 20 February 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 16:36 on Sunday, 20 February 2005 by James Magenta (JamesMagenta)
Can't wait.

Written at 06:06 on Monday, 21 February 2005 by InvaderZim
I can't wait as well.
Your voice is stupid-Gaz

Written at 03:57 on Tuesday, 22 February 2005 by Ryan (Ryanboi)
me to

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