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New Poll
As normal, there's a new poll up this week. This time we'd like to know what you think of the Maxoids, the people who brought you the Sims and SimCity. If you've got an opinion about them, vote on the right or the latest poll page.

Last week the poll was all about e-mail, and now the results are in we can confirm most e-mails sent by Sims are about "their crushes and romances, careers, and all the things that happen to them." That option was chosen for by 36 of the 128 voters (28.4%). A lot of them (22%) don't email though. Spam is a plague in SimCity too, with 15% of the e-mails being nothing but junk, and 11% tells others about how repetative life is getting. 10.2% Writes about their dreams, followed by nothing but spaces at 9.5%. Only 4% mails about a video game, that's all about being the mayor of a virtual city. See the result page for details.

Written at 01:32 on Thursday, 10 February 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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