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The Red Matrix Bedroom
Now in red...the matrix bedrooms continue to gain more colors and momentum. Download this with much glee and delight, this one will bring sims in ultimate happiness. This is a bedroom, thus includes the bedsheets, wallpaper, and flooring. I hadn't made curtains, but if anyone wants some, they shall come.

One more color to come...soon!

*URGENT UPDATE* All The Sims 2 Objects have just been updated for the University Expansion Pack. This includes this current Red Matrix Bedroom. If you see this message, please redownload all objects. If you have not downloaded the Red Matrix Bedroom as of yet, the current one is of updated strength. If you are unsure of any of this confusion, just redownload ALL SIMS 2 OBJECTS anyways...to be safe. There are only 9 objects, as of yet, on my part..so its not too bad. :)

Any other objects of mine that come after this post, will already be University ready.

Written at 22:20 on Monday, 7 February 2005 by Sumit.

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