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Hacks and University
The modding community of the Sims 2 is working hard to give fans custom content including careers and objects. However, when the first expansion pack - University - will be released, several technical things will change. These changes should make things more stable when custom hacks are used. However, a side-effect is that careers and recoloured objects made so far might not work anymore or are more likely to cause conflicts. Although there is no solution to make careers work as of yet, there is a solution for custom objects (recolours and new meshes).

The fix for objects is made available in SimPE 0.15. A tutorial for fixing existing objects has also been made, and should help object makers to fix their current downloads. If you don't make downloads, you normally shouldn't have to worry about this, though you might have to redownload some files. Thanks to our affiliate SimsZone for the information.

Written at 22:41 on Saturday, 5 February 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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