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There's an overload of Sims 2 information these days, but the Urbz is not completely forgotten. The official site has had its weekly update again, this week adding a few new crew descriptions of the Console version to the Crew page. The buzz section has been updated as well, and has links to a new interview with Scot Amos on TeamXbox. There's also a link to GameSpy's Developer's Diary, to which a movie we didn't mention before yet has been posted on their movies page. It's an in-game trailer of 4.2 Mb. This week's usual blog, by Scot Amos, is all about the Beta status of the game, which they're going to reach soon (for the console version, the handheld has gone gold earlier). They've received the 9 tracks from the Black Eyed Peas, and they're adding the final tunes to the game to make it go Beta:
"So, with this final addition of content from Will and the BEPs, and the incredible dedication the team is showing to get all the bits tuned, polished, and debugged, we're perfectly set to make an early November launch of The Urbz. The Sims 2 is out this week (congrats and woohoo!) and is already the talk of the town title dominating the next few months on the PC charts; paving the way for The Urbz experience to show up in the city in November."
All can be read at the official site.

Written at 22:29 on Thursday, 16 September 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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