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Watch Will play the Sims 2
Spanish fansite The Sims Express has found a new clip, in which you can see Will Wright play the sequel to the best-selling PC game ever, the Sims 2. It's a bit longer than 90 seconds, and completely in Spanish. The video can be viewed from this page at antena3, where you can also see a few pictures with Wright on them.

Written at 02:05 on Monday, 6 September 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 23:02 on Monday, 6 September 2004 by jason (jaysc)
can't you download it?

Written at 16:59 on Tuesday, 7 September 2004 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
Not without special tools to record streaming media (sorry, don't know any Windows ones). You'll have to watch it streaming I guess.


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