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The Sims 2 Sponsor Bumpers
Programme Sponsor Bumpers for The Sims 2 have been spotted in the UK by yours truely. The bumpers, which appear at the beginning, end and end/start of parts of TV programmes, aren't exactly particularly exciting (just the Sims 2 logo on a black background with a link to a web address) and last no more than five seconds.

Currently, the bumper has been seen on Sky One and it is sponsoring UK airings of the US hit show 'Malcolm In The Middle', which is one of Sky One's most popular shows (behind The Simpsons of course which is already sponsored by somebody else).

The bumpers carry a web address, http://www.september17th.co.uk which has been active since early July. The site, with its unique method of navigation (a spinning disc on the right hand side), has screenshots, trailers, MP3s and links to UK fansites (including this one).

Sky One is an encrypted TV channel available in the UK only on Sky Digital, channel 106 and cable.

Written at 11:57 on Wednesday, 1 September 2004 by Neil.

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Written at 12:54 on Wednesday, 1 September 2004 by Sparkybpotter
Urm these bumpers have been on since early july, and it also sponsers oliver beene(sp?).

Written at 13:15 on Wednesday, 1 September 2004 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
The website is the official Sims 2 site, see http://www.thesimszone.co.uk/news/archive.php?ID=1469


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The Neighborhood Handler: http://www.thesimszone.co.uk/tnhh

Written at 14:09 on Wednesday, 1 September 2004 by Neil Jones (NKTP)
Fair enough but the original article doesn't mention the bumpers so not everybody was aware of it.

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