The chat last night was quite a success, despite Lucy not being there. In her place was the Tuning team. MaxisKevin, MaxisHunter, MaxisDestry and MaxisDoctorVu answered many questions. The transcripts have been posted, but if you're too lazy to read that here are some highlights:
- Sims don't have to be married to get a baby
- Sims will not leave the lot when giving birth to a baby
- Sims can't die from sickness or fire until they're Teens
- Although twins are still a possibility, triplets have been taken out
- Any NPC (including the burglar) can be married, but the NPC will be replaced by another one
- The lifetime of a Sim ranges from 70 to 90 days. This is split up as follows: Baby: 3 days; Toddler: 4 days; Children: 8 days; Teens: 15 days; Adults: 29 days; Elders: 11-31 days. The life of a Sim can be extended by using the Elexir of Life which makes the Sim approximately 7-8 days younger, but they won't go back to the previous life stage
- All young Sims have the Grow Up aspiration (which includes learning to walk, talk, etc), as soon as a Sim grows up to Teen you get to choose their Aspiration track (Fame, Family, Fortune, Knowledge, Romance)
- The wants and fears have the chance of being rotated on a daily basis
- You can lock a want (or fear) by right-clicking it, if you want to focus on it
- One aspiration reward is the SimVac object, which sucks skill points from other Sims
- To change the appearance of a Sim, simply use the mirror
- There will be 10 careers with 10 levels each
- In Private school Children/Teens can gain skills from chance cards
- Sims in Private school might have an advantage in their career
- Sims can start gaining skills points as soon as they're toddlers
- Skills do not decay
- The autonomy of Sims has been much improved making them smarter. To make them stupid again, you can just turn off autonomy. Sims can take care of their moods better now, but still not perfectly efficiently.
- Instead of being sent to Military school, children with bad grades at school will be taken away by the Social worker. They might appear in the game again though, if by chance they're adopted by another family in the neighborhood.
- You can build 5 floors without, or 4 floors with a foundation (and you can put a roof on top of that)
- Teens can walk away from home and be brought back by the cops, but they won't end up in jail whatsoever
- There will be 6 or 7 different gnome designs
- And about 16 cinematic cut scenes
- When chatting on the Sim-computer, you can see who else from the neighborhood is online and chat to them
- Maxis will try to hold more chats until the release of the game, as well as some after the release
Written at 15:21 on Friday, 20 August 2004 by ChEeTaH.