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New Sims 2 Screenshots [Update]
Two other Sims Zones have posted some new screenshots of the Sims 2. The first one is our affiliate SimsZone Germany, which has reposted the screenshots from Giga Games, but this time in slightly better quality, thanks to a repeat of the show. Go to their Screenshot section and scroll down for the high quality screenshots.

Sims Zone Poland has posted a selection of brand new screenshots of the game. They show a part of Veronaville, but also quite a bit of unique in-game material. The schoolbus and the kids getting in are shown for example, but you can also see a toddler hanging over the toilet pot. You can also see toddler Beau just after he's grown up to be a child, and achieved the aspiration level of Diaper-Filler. Finally, there are a few party screenshots as well. You can see them all below, click the thumbnails for large versions.

[Update 10 August, 11:10] It seems that Sims Zone Poland will be posting new screenshots almost every day for the next few days. Today they've already posted 20 new screenshots on the page mentioned above. Instead of reporting about it every time, you'll have to keep checking their screenshots page for the new screenshots. Thanks to Piotr for telling this in the comments.

Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 1 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 2 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 3 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 4 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 5 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 6 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 7 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 8 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 9 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 10 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 11 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 12 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 13 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 14 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 15 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 16 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 17 Sims Zone Poland Screenshot 18

Written at 14:22 on Monday, 9 August 2004 by ChEeTaH.

These comments express the view and/or opinion of our visitors and not The Sims Zone. It's not necessarily The Sims Zone's or any of its staff members' opinion. The Sims Zone cannot be held responsible for what's said in these comments. Abusers of this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Written at 21:22 on Monday, 9 August 2004 by James Magenta (JamesMagenta)
Edited at 21:22 on Monday, 9 August 2004 by James Magenta (JamesMagenta)
Did any one notice that in the second last screenshot the trash can is knocked over.

Written at 09:14 on Tuesday, 10 August 2004 by Liam Brett (Brettl)
where is the trash can

Written at 20:14 on Tuesday, 10 August 2004 by James Magenta (JamesMagenta)
It is on the screenshot whit the schoolbus

Written at 02:03 on Thursday, 12 August 2004 by Michelle (Chelle)
Michelle Moran

Written at 13:23 on Thursday, 12 August 2004 by Xianah (XiXi)
I certainly hope its just the way of taking a screen shot, but the graphics look all jagged and quite awful. Is that how the game actually looks?? I have seen the screenies at Maxis and they are all lovely and smooth... I am quite worried if this is how the game appears when played on a 'normal' pc... :(

Written at 14:40 on Thursday, 12 August 2004 by jason (jaysc)
i hope not other wise i won't buy the game but on the other hand the game it self is fun

Written at 17:17 on Thursday, 12 August 2004 by Leah (sims2ruby)
yes i noticed the trashcan the first moment i saw the picture. its cool. maybe the car knocked it over? anyway-all the screenshots are awesome! i love seeing new ones
Love me Love my Simmy

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