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New Poll
The status of a European release of the Sims 2 DVD edition is still quite unsure. Hence we held a poll last week in which we asked if EA should release the DVD outside North America too. The majority, 45% has voted for an absolute yes. An addition 15.5% said they'd just get the CD version if they didn't, but they prefer a DVD version. 10% said the DVD would be nice, but not necessary. Just 2% said not to release it since nobody wants it anyway, while 4% said no because they don't have a DVD drive in their computer. 17% of the people said they don't care as they can get it no matter what (they're in North America). And finally, just 6% said they don't care at all or don't know what the DVD version is about. When adding it up it comes down to about 71% saying yes, 6% saying no, and 23% doesn't care. 348 votes where issued within the past week. For the exact results, go to the results page.

This week we're doing a top 10. Let us know how you are going to spend the next two months (approximately) until the Sims 2 is released. We've put up 10 choices (including an 'Other' if none matches what you'll be doing), as well as the usual two for those who aren't waiting for the Sims 2 or who don't know what it is. So get voting, on the right or at the latest poll page.

Written at 02:00 on Thursday, 22 July 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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