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Bustin' Out (N-Gage) Review
Although the game does not seem to be very popular, some gaming sites write about Bustin' Out on the N-Gage. It was released about 2 weeks ago, and All about N-Gage has posted a review. With a score of 83% they're positive about the game. It's "the best N-Gage game yet", and very addictive.
"It's almost like an Adventure Game – but one for 7 year olds. “Now go find the chickens” says wizened old Uncle. So you find a chicken and press “5." Or you meet someone by looking up where they are on a map. Now none of this is stunning stuff. In fact, it's pretty mundane, especially given you have a 'toilet' gauge and 'watching TV' gauge. That gives you the kind of idillic life the developers were aiming for. And all the time remembering you need to go to the toilet twice a day, and clean the shower once a week."
If you're interested, make sure to read the entire review.

Written at 00:04 on Friday, 28 May 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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