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Gamers Temple Previews the URBZ
The E3 2004 has finished a week ago, but articles are still popping up. The Gamers Temple proves that, with a fresh preview of the URBZ that's up. They've watched the demo at the E3, and are sharing their thoughts. The conclusion is that so far it doesn't look like it's much more than a funky version of The Sims, "where being cool is far more important than advancing along a career track and making regular bathroom stops." If you want a description of the demo as it was shown on the E3, in text, read the preview.

Written at 23:50 on Friday, 21 May 2004 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 00:44 on Saturday, 22 May 2004 by rick (R2xtreme4u)
kewl, thanx for sharin

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