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Bustin' Out N-Gage Screens
IGN N-Gage has posted a bunch of new screenshots of The Sims Bustin' Out for the N-Gage, which is expected to be released in May. The screenshots show quite a few different things including gameplay with a sim walking around, but also some of mini-games in action. A couple of them also show the interface of the friends list or your Sim's inventory. It's definitely worth a peek, so go to the screenshots. Note that they're spread over 2 pages (that's how many new shots there are). The N-Gage QD, which will be an improved version of the current N-Gage, although not with much new technology, has recently been announced by Nokia. Bustin' Out was mentioned as one of the games mixing both variety and originality, and so it seems Nokia does find this game rather important (contrary to EA).

Written at 21:24 on Thursday, 15 April 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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