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Sims 2 Delay: Maxis Speaks
Luc Barthelet, General Manager of Maxis, has sent out a statement to several fansites about the recently announced delay of The Sims 2. Here's what he has to say:
"As you are all aware, The Sims 2 ship date has been moved to the latter half of 2004. We have heard from an enormous amount of you and your communications have been zealous. We fully understand your disappointment and frustration. The fact that you are all so passionate is both inspiring and encouraging to the production team and means we must be on the right track with the game.

"I can’t overstate the fact that it is a huge undertaking to produce the next generation of the #1 PC game of all time. As our most valued fans of the franchise, you all understand better than everyone else what those expectations are. As we said on the website, the bar has been set extremely high.

"This decision was an incredibly difficult one but the best for us to make. We have learned through past experience, that a game is ready when it is ready. In the coming months, we will be polishing the game in order to fulfill our ultimate product vision. We know you are excited about what you have seen to date but, let me tell you, the best is yet to come.

[...] "Finally, I wanted to take this time to thank you for all of your support. We have all been in this together from the beginning. We value all of your contributions and know that, together, we will make The Sims 2, the best game of all time."

Luc Barthelet
Besides all that, he also told us that last Saturday's screens show what the fans wanted to see the most. That's all from Luc for now, more coming soon.

Written at 22:45 on Monday, 2 February 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 01:27 on Tuesday, 3 February 2004 by ASimFan11733
I am still trying to get used to the fact that the Sims2 has been delayed I think we all are. I am glad that Maxis is taking the extra time to finish this game it will most likley be a thousand times better then we all expected. Maybe Maxis will finish the game early or maybe we are looking forward to another delay, whatever the case I am glad that maxis is putting that extra elbow grease into the completion of The Sims2 and I hope they take all the time they need to finish so the game will be more enjoyable for players.

Written at 22:57 on Tuesday, 3 February 2004 by Liss (PuRpLe_KiWi)
Edited at 22:59 on Tuesday, 3 February 2004 by Liss (PuRpLe_KiWi)
Another great thing caused by the delay is that we won't have to squirm in school all day whishing and waiting to play sims2, which makes it seem even longer. (because it's summer break) Also, we'll have so much more time to play! I mean we could play for weeks without doing anything besides sleeping, eating, and taking bathroom breaks! (I probably won't, but I bet some people will!)
~*~stop looking at me in that tone of voice please...~*~

Written at 00:07 on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 by Hayley (girlygirl09)
It will be better in the summer because I'm usually home alone just sitting there. Now I will have something to do. I still wished TS2 was coming out sooner but that's life and good job to Maxis for making such fun games!

Written at 03:58 on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 by Charlotte (Mortis)
I think you should all think before you write your comments!
There are so many for you saying "I am realy upset & angery that TS2 it'ent coming out yet & I have to wait" Come on guys, realy it is not the end of the world, I am sure we can all wait a few more months? Maxis has explained & apologised for the inconvenience. Maxis has give us great games in the past so I think we should be thanking them not sending them negative comments on the slight delay of the game which they have put there life, money, time, effort & skill in to.

Written at 17:49 on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 by Josh (urt31)
None put anything like dat as there comment lol

Written at 15:02 on Thursday, 5 February 2004 by Jason (jwdmgj101)
I am sure that people do think before the type altho you have a few who just arnt able to do that but they can not help it and you can't say that if you love the game you want to wait, and I know that you are going to have to but these people are just saying what they feel about all of this and there is not reason to make them seem as if they where thoughtless, and another thing Charlotte is I see a lot of people thanking Maxis for there effords and time, I am one of them, you just do not seem like you care to much for the game

Written at 23:28 on Thursday, 5 February 2004 by Charlotte (Mortis)
Jason...I also see people thanking maxis!
I also see people getting upset with maxis over a game they have put a lot of effort in to!
As for you saying I do not care for the game, how the **** do you know? I have the full set of all the sims games!
But I'm not obsessed with it.

Josh...It was an example...I took many peoples comments & put it in to one! I was getting my point across! lol.

Come on GUYS. It was a comment no need to get all stress out over.

Written at 13:39 on Friday, 6 February 2004 by Jason (jwdmgj101)
well just to let you know, I am in no way stressed by what to said, and another thing is I really do not care if you like the game or not, I was just going by what you said and the way that you worded it, but the thing is people are upset, they where under the impression that this game was going to be avlable for play alot sooner then the later half of the year, and I can see why some would feel that way, so to tell them not to speek there mind on this issue would be to tell every one not to use this site, so the point that I am trying to get across is that if the people want to say things like that let them thats what this is here for to ask them how they feel about this issue

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