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Sims 2 Release Date update
There's news about the release date of The Sims 2 again. The webmaster of the official Dutch website has written a post in the forums, saying the game definitely will not be released at 19 March 2004 (in Europe). According to him, we should expect it late spring, rather than the very early spring which starts shortly after 19 March. So for now, it's probably the wisest to stick to spring 2004 as release date, until Maxis has provided an official date. The "mayor", as the webmaster calls himself, stated that The Sims 2 is not yet finished and that Maxis and EA want to release "one of the most entertaining games ever". With an early release things would be missing, and everybody would be disappointed as well. Dutch viewers should log in at the Dutch site and then follow this link to see the thread, with the mayor's post in it. Thanks to Hikikimori for the tip.

Written at 01:26 on Thursday, 15 January 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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