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Makin' Magic shots
Makin' Magic isn't even out and already there are a lot of screenshots floating around on the net. The Dutch website Down4Sims has posted 27(!) new screenshots of the latest expansion. However, their English section of the site hasn't been updated yet, so you'll have to get there through the Dutch section. Click the Dutch flag, and click "Klik hier" in the text after "27 Nieuwe screenshots van The Sims Abracadabra!!!". You'll immediately see the new screenshots, once they're loaded anyway. There are more screenshots from a Dutch site, the official one. Unfortunately you have to register to see them, and as most of you won't have a clue where to go, we've taken the opportunity to give them to you here (click "Read More" if they're not below).

Thanks to the users Shoyru and Dennis at the official Dutch site, for posting these in their albums.
Written at 21:15 on Thursday, 16 October 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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