The official UK site has been busy posting a lot of screenshots of The Sims Bustin' Out the past few days. There are new shots of the PS2/GC/XBox versions, and also a few of the GBA edition. The 2 new GBA shots can be found here. The other screenshots are split up on 2 pages. The latest batch of 8 pictures is right here, the other batch - another 8 shots of which 6 brand new ones - are on this page. Bustin' Out is expected to be released in December, just a bit more than a week before Christmas, on PlayStation2, GameCube and X-box, and a special edition on the GBA (which will be able to be linked with other GBAs or the GameCube version of the game). For now you'll have to enjoy the screenshots.
Written at 01:29 on Saturday, 11 October 2003 by ChEeTaH.