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Day 2 - Complaining already

Gossiping, grumbling and moaning ... and it's only Day 2

It's all in here!

Written at 02:00 on Sunday, 17 August 2003 by Andy.

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Written at 11:26 on Sunday, 17 August 2003 by Tiger
I'm complaining already lol....
Andy, on the paragraph entitled 'The Afternoon', you have accidentally placed an image in the wrong place. On the right is a picture which was also shown earlier on in the article.

Written at 12:39 on Sunday, 17 August 2003 by Web Master (simx)
I'm sorry Tiger but I think you will find that you are wrong. This image is in the right place and has not been used before- Open your eyes before you make a comment!

Written at 14:37 on Sunday, 17 August 2003 by Tiger
I'm sorry josh but it's still there. An image on the right hand side which was also shown during the night summary- Open your eyes before you make a comment!

Written at 17:39 on Sunday, 17 August 2003 by Andy (TSZ) (Andy)
Tiger, I am very sorry but Josh is right. It is a different picture. However, I will acknowledge that it is hard to tell with these night-vision shots. Nevertheless, it is different and I'm glad you're taking an interest in the show.
Site Manager & Assistant Webmaster

Written at 00:06 on Monday, 18 August 2003 by Web Master (simx)
I agree Andy, it is very hard to tell the images apart and was an easy mistake to make Ty : )
I think a lot of people are taking an interest in the show! To be on your 3rd series is quite an achievement. Looking forward to report 3!

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