The Sims Online has been out for over 6 months now (in the US anyway), and apparantly some mobsters have appeared in the game. GameGossip mentioned it, and talked to Maxis about it. Kyle Brink has some nice things to say about it. Like this:
GaneGossip: "We suggest Neighborhood Watch. Or vigilante rule. Your reactions?The whole interview isn't too long, but it's nice to read if you play The Sims Online. Click here for the full thing.
Kyle Brink: "Bo-ring! Come on, why limit yourself? Get creative. There are so many ways to respond to this sort of behavior.
"Personally, I choose to find entertainment in it. Sure, I could go for the standard "gang vs. gang" model. Or I could plant myself as a new member in one of these groups, then manipulate them into an internal civil war. Or I can ignore them entirely - set my property to use the "admit list" only, and rely on word of mouth to add people to my list. Nothing a wannabe crime lord hates more than being ignored. Except maybe being mocked, which is yet another angle I can take."
Written at 02:04 on Thursday, 12 June 2003 by ChEeTaH.