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More Superstar Reviews
We've spotted another 2 reviews for Superstar. Both discuss the unresolved technical issues, the humour the game adds, how hard it is to become Superstar (including keeping those mood-bars green), the outdated graphics and more. What both editors find the most annoying issue is that some actions you give your Sim are just dropped and ignored. They're also waiting for The Sims 2. Which sites I'm talking about? This review from Gaming Horizon, and this one from IGN. The one from Gaming Horizon also discusses the annoying installation procedure, which asks for several CDs. They give the game a 7.4 out of 10 score, while IGN gives a 8.3 out of 10. You can find quotes of these reviews, and others, in our review index.

Written at 01:32 on Sunday, 8 June 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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