Last week we asked you about Superstar: do you or do you not like the game. Most people gave it 5 out of 5 'stars': 105 of the 294 votes. Those who gave it just 4 out of 5 were with far fewer: just 37 votes, while the 3 out of 5 got 34 votes. 88 People said they didn't have it yet, but would soon. 21 people won't get it at all, and finally there are the 2 out of 5 and 1 out of 5 options, which both got just 5 votes. Looks like Maxis made a good expansion pack this time. This week, we wonder which old Sim-games you've ever played in the past. Due to a small problem, the voting didn't work properly during the first hour and so the poll has been reset some minutes ago. You can now vote again (and this time it will work) on the right or on this page. More polls are in our archive.
Written at 03:40 on Thursday, 29 May 2003 by ChEeTaH.