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Some Bustin' Impressions
The E3 is over now, but sites are still posting articles of several games. One site is GameSpot, which has now posted an article with their impressions of Bustin' Out:
"The Sims: Bustin' out will also put more emphasis on multiplayer play. The original game let you play through the live mode cooperatively with another player, or compete with another player in a series of simple minigames. Bustin' Out will expand on the multiplayer game by letting you play through the entire "get a life" single-player mission mode cooperatively. The game will be released early next year."
There are a few other things in it too, but nothing that's really too new. Except perhaps the fact that Sims will have gain popularity (and get some money) to get that limousine with hot tub in the back rather than that motorbike they start off with. Although it's not too interesting to read, I guess you can't read enough about the game to get enough (and the most accurate) info. So, to read this article too - it isn't very long - go here.

Written at 02:20 on Sunday, 18 May 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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