Files >> Sumit
The Mod End Greenwich Edition
Added: 10 April 2005, 22:12
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 17 Kb
Downloaded: 7892 times (1.08 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
The Mod End
The Mod End can now be seen as a wonderful piece of art in the dark cherry and light green mix. What a beauty!
The Mod End
Added: 10 April 2005, 22:10
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 72 Kb
Downloaded: 5975 times (0.82 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
For every lux, there must be an end. Here the beautifully sculpted Mod End, symbolizes the end of your beautiful room.
The Mod Bed Light Matter
Added: 10 April 2005, 22:07
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 294 Kb
Downloaded: 11120 times (1.52 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
The Mod Bed
A light color for the bed frame plus black legs.
The Mod Bed Mystic Red
Added: 10 April 2005, 22:05
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 257 Kb
Downloaded: 9524 times (1.31 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
The Mod Bed
Now in a dark cherry wood color!
New Market Chair
Added: 10 April 2005, 21:11
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 81 Kb
Downloaded: 7130 times (0.98 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
This is deffinately a BETA, you must check back time to time to see if the title changes to a new version in order to get a more finalized version.
The Mod Bed
Added: 10 April 2005, 21:08
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 463 Kb
Downloaded: 7552 times (1.04 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
Version 3.0, is an understatement to the amount of work done to bring you this. It could not have been possible without the help of Numenor and the people who made object creation possible for The Sims 2.
White Dorm Door
Added: 13 March 2005, 00:46
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 26 Kb
Downloaded: 8922 times (1.22 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
My genius screenshot taking skills has made this door look beige..but it really is white. This was requested. :)
Via Dante
Added: 7 March 2005, 18:20
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 17 Kb
Downloaded: 6491 times (0.89 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
By Fabiano
It Cappachino backwards..cause backwards is "in".
Ponte di Rialto
Added: 7 March 2005, 18:19
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 66 Kb
Downloaded: 4825 times (0.66 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
By Canaletto
A Roccoco Painting, nice view of Venice.
Mao, 1972
Added: 7 March 2005, 18:17
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 55 Kb
Downloaded: 3556 times (0.49 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
By Warhol
Mao was the communist leader of China.