Files >> The Sims 1 >> Houses >> Downtown
Hot Date Tutorial File
Added: 24 October 2004, 13:08
Author: Neil
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 88 Kb
Downloaded: 12802 times (1.72 times per day)
Requires: Sims 1 + All expansion packs.
The finished product (with one major alteration) of the Hot Date tutorial posted on this site by yours truely.
(Lot 24) Pink Bunny Worship Center
Added: 20 March 2003, 02:07
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 352 Kb
Downloaded: 9081 times (1.13 times per day)
The divine Pink Bunny has created a grand complex in her worship, glittered with statues and columns. Req: TS, LL (or TSD), HD
(Lot 22) Art Gallery
Added: 10 January 2003, 09:45
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 291 Kb
Downloaded: 10382 times (1.28 times per day)
Veeeery upscale with restaurants and shops. NOTE: Your sims might want to go out to a club afterward, like most museums the amusement is cerebral. Needs the Downtown Windows Pack, Livin Large and Hot Date.
(Lot 24) Sim Boulevard Shopping Square
Added: 22 October 2002, 17:28
Author: Stephanie B
Size: 282 Kb
Downloaded: 15999 times (1.96 times per day)
This DOWNTOWN OASIS is the place to be. A restaurant, unisex restrooms , bar/dance club, clothing and toy/candy stores, arcade, fishing pond, carnival games, outdoor BBQ pit, etc. See ya' there!
(Lot 26) Willie’s Wine and Dine
Added: 2 August 2002, 00:23
Author: William
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 235 Kb
Downloaded: 10617 times (1.29 times per day)
Stop by Willie's today for the finest Eats and Club anywhere. Don't forget to drop by the gift shop and get a gift for that special Sim. Willie's Wine and Dine where The Sims always comes first. For this game all expansions packs are needed.
(Lot 24) Royale' Riverwalk
Added: 12 July 2002, 19:22
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 322 Kb
Downloaded: 9206 times (1.11 times per day)
A riverwalk that can complete your sims shopping and dining needs. Made after the San Antonio Riverwalk. Lot 24, Downtown. Need LL,HP,HD.
(Lot 24) Middleton Mall
Added: 9 June 2002, 09:22
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 101 Kb
Downloaded: 11145 times (1.34 times per day)
A BIG Mall with 2 restaurants (one with partial outdoor seating), arcade, shops, bar, food court. Lots to do plus *seperated* rooms, so there's less chance of jealousy issues or the crone smacking you! All 4 expansions & dartboard download from ea used.
(Lot 27) Uptown Center
Added: 5 June 2002, 20:12
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 104 Kb
Downloaded: 9589 times (1.15 times per day)
Dining, a Dance Club, Shops: there's a little bit of everything in this lot. Needs Livin' Large and House Party too.
(Lot 21) Balina Arcade
Added: 24 April 2002, 22:12
Author: Mike
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 70 Kb
Downloaded: 4759 times (0.57 times per day)
Balina Arcade and Restuarant has pool tables, arcade games, jukeboxes and gambling machines. It also has a restuarant, tv room, comfort room and more! An evening of fun to be had by all! Made with Livin'Large, HD and VA
(Lot 29) Beach Hangout
Added: 3 April 2002, 04:28
Author: Mike
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 66 Kb
Downloaded: 9122 times (1.09 times per day)
The beautiful SimCity beach is complimented with "Beach Hangout" as it was named by the owners. "Beach Hangout" has shops, cheap food, ice-cream stand, a bar, a pool, park benches and a barbecue! (Created with Livin' Large & HD)
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