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Start of as waiter to end up as Superstar (not as in the expansion). This is a nice job for those who can't get up too early. Once you're a B-Movie star, you won't ever start earlier than 10.00 (10.00am) in this career. There's only one level which is nearly a nighttime job. The Feature Star works from 17.00 (5.00pm) until 1.00 (1.00am). Being a superstar is tiring, and you need full charisma and creativity to become one. Working out is also quite important. After that, your Sim is likely to change to a career in politics sooner or later.
1. Waiter/Waitress
"You're available for auditions, but can still make your tips at night. Good people skills could get your picture and resume served along with the salad."

Salary: §100
Time: 9.00-15.00 (9.00am-3.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Nothing
Mood Change (per hour): Energy: -5%
2. Extra
"You're "atmosphere," "living scenery." The pay is pitiful, but at least you're on the set. No lines, though...and Central Casting can call you for the day shift or the night shift, depending on the production needs. Make sure you develop your charisma skill so that when that speaking part does come through, you'll be ready."

Salary: §150
Time: 9.00-15.00 (9.00am-3.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Nothing
Mood Change (per hour): Energy: -5%
3. Bit Player
"You're able to support yourself in your chosen career--barely. You've actually got a few lines to speak...ironically, they often seem to be, "May I take your order, sir?" Building relationships and your body is important now."

Salary: §200
Time: 9.00-15.00 (9.00am-3.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Charisma: 2
Mood Change (per hour): Energy: -6%
4. Stunt Double
"That's not the box-office mega-star being set on fire and tossed from a helicopter--that's you. You're making a name for yourself, though, and directors like your novel ideas for mock mayhem. Keep those creative juices flowing. You just might graduate to a low-budget starring role of your own--if you survive. Keep yourself and your gear in top shape, or you may miss that air bag. And keep developing your active social life--not only is it fun, it's very useful."

Salary: §275
Time: 9.00-16.00 (9.00am-4.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 2, Charisma: 2, Body: 2
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -1%, Hygiene: -1%, Energy: -6%, Fun: -1%
5. B-Movie Star
"Cheap sci-fi, lowbrow horror and teen hormone comedies--you're the star...even if your best work seems to go "straight to video". If you really want to make it big, you need a great body and some very convincing and creative dialogue. Lots of work needed on these skills from here on out."

Salary: §375
Time: 10.00-17.00 (10.00am-5.00pm), Carpool arrives at 9.00 (9.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 4, Charisma: 3, Body: 3, Creativity: 1
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -1%, Hygiene: -2%, Energy: -6%, Fun: -1%
6. Supporting Player
"Your name's not on the poster, but at least it's a "major motion picture". You're the best friend, the villain's sidekick, or the cop who dies in the first half-hour. But, the studios have noticed you, and big things may be on the horizon. Keep practicing your lines and remember, it's not always what you know, it's who you know that counts."

Salary: §500
Time: 10.00-18.00 (10.00am-6.00pm), Carpool arrives at 9.00 (9.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 6, Mechanical: 1, Charisma: 4, Body: 4, Creativity: 2
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -1%, Hygiene: -2%, Energy: -6%, Fun: -1%
7. TV Star
"Your talent is acknowledged at last, and you're referred to as "Sim City's home-grown star". It's never been easier to throw a party at your place. You can afford a bigger house now, but the killer hours assure that you're not home as much as you'd like. Keep developing your charisma and body skills or you'll never get to the big screen."

Salary: §650
Time: 10.00-18.00 (10.00am-6.00pm), Carpool arrives at 9.00 (9.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 8, Mechanical: 1, Charisma: 6, Body: 5, Creativity: 3
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -2%, Hygiene: -3%, Energy: -6%, Fun: -2%
8. Feature Star
"You made it to the big screen. You're now making more money for fewer hours, but you may suddenly have to leave town for a distant location shoot. You're loving all the attention. Everyone wants to be your friend--but is that always a good thing? Sometimes you long for the spontaneous creativity and audience response of Broadway..."

Salary: §900
Time: 17.00-1.00 (5.00pm-1.00am), Carpool arrives at 16.00 (4.00pm)
Requirements: Friends: 10, Mechanical: 2, Charisma: 7, Body: 6, Creativity: 4
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -2%, Hygiene: -3%, Energy: -7%, Fun: -2%
9. Broadway Star
"It's a whole new world for a star of your magnitude. Live performances, six days a week, singing, dancing in Sim City's latest hit musical. Who knew it would be so physically demanding? But those cast parties are a great place to meet new friends, no? And you've never felt so creatively pumped up!"

Salary: §1100
Time: 10.00-17.00 (10.00am-5.00pm), Carpool arrives at 9.00 (9.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 12, Mechanical: 2, Charisma: 8, Body: 7, Creativity: 7
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -3%, Hygiene: -5%, Energy: -8%, Fun: -3%
10. Superstar
"Everywhere you go the paparazzi snap your picture. They've just placed your star on the SimCity "Walk of Fame." And when the lights get too bright, you can always retreat to your mansion on the hill."

Salary: §1100
Time: 10.00-17.00 (10.00am-5.00pm), Carpool arrives at 9.00 (9.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 14, Mechanical: 2, Charisma: 10, Body: 8, Creativity: 10
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -6%, Hygiene: -8%, Energy: -13%, Fun: -5%
Career Change
"You've decided that just entertaining the masses isn't enough. It's time to have a real impact on society for a change. Your agent convinces you to leverage your "star power" and make a bid for Congress. You win the election by a landslide and begin a new career in politics."
New job: Congressman/Congresswoman (Politics career, seventh job)
Written at 01:16 2003n Saturday 19 April 2003 by ChEeTaH.
Last updated at 22:37 2003n Sunday 21 December 2003.

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