
"Mmmmmmm, fooooood." Is that what your Sim thinks whenever he walks in the kitchen? Let him cook food then - he can earn money with it in the culinary career. Not as much or as little as in some careers, but somewhere in the middle. The first couple of jobs will be in the morning/afternoon, but when you move on you'll have to start working during the evening, to serve food to your customers in the restaurant. Make sure you keep those customers happy - you'll need them as friends. You'll need at least 11 to get up high. Don't worry about starting as Dish washer with a wage of just §90 - you'll be promoted easily enough. Make sure you keep up those cooking skills, but don't forget the charisma as well. Some creativity is needed as well. In this career you will have to get your mood up a bit again after work. Oh, and don't forget to eat! You won't get any on the job - in fact, you'll get even hungrier because of all the food you're preparing...
"You have to start somewhere, and in the restaurant industry, it's right at the bottom. But if you analyze the dirty dishes carefully, you'll learn EXACTLY what people like and don't like. Wash...and learn."
Salary: §90
Time: 6.00-12.00 (6.00am-12.00pm), Carpool arrives at 5.00 (5.00am)
Requirements: Nothing
Mood Change (per hour): Energy: -5%
Salary: §90
Time: 6.00-12.00 (6.00am-12.00pm), Carpool arrives at 5.00 (5.00am)
Requirements: Nothing
Mood Change (per hour): Energy: -5%
"Out of the frying pan and into the fire! You don't have to clean anymore, but dealing with hungry commuters and teen pranks will either make you or break you. You'd better study up on the industry if you want to get promoted."
Salary: §120
Time: 5.00-10.00 (4.00am-10.00am), Carpool arrives at 4.00 (4.00am)
Requirements: Nothing
Mood Change (per hour): Energy: -6%
Salary: §120
Time: 5.00-10.00 (4.00am-10.00am), Carpool arrives at 4.00 (4.00am)
Requirements: Nothing
Mood Change (per hour): Energy: -6%
"Surprise, surprise...instead of fixing food you now have to fix problems: tangled register tape, clogged soda drink dispensers, squabbling employees, and toilets kids repeatedly vandalize. Learn to repair or you'll be stuck here forever."
Salary: §130
Time: 9.00-15.00 (9.00am-3.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Cooking: 2
Mood Change (per hour): Energy: -5%
Salary: §130
Time: 9.00-15.00 (9.00am-3.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Cooking: 2
Mood Change (per hour): Energy: -5%
"OK, you got your foot in the door, now show them what you're made of. But remember, if you want to be head chef, you'll need to pepper them with charm, as well as with spices. Can you cut the mustard?"
Salary: §180
Time: 9.00-15.00 (9.00am-3.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 1, Cooking: 3, Mechanical: 2
Mood Change (per hour): Hygiene: -1%, Energy: -6%
Salary: §180
Time: 9.00-15.00 (9.00am-3.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 1, Cooking: 3, Mechanical: 2
Mood Change (per hour): Hygiene: -1%, Energy: -6%
"And you thought being head chef was about cooking! You'll need to "keep a lid on" your employees as well as your pots. Plus, deal with pushy customers when their tempers "boil over." Learn to mix people as well as you mix the spices."
Salary: §220
Time: 9.00-15.00 (9.00am-3.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 3, Cooking: 6, Mechanical: 2, Charisma: 2, Creativity: 2
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -1%, Hygiene: -2%, Energy: -7%, Fun: -1%
Salary: §220
Time: 9.00-15.00 (9.00am-3.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 3, Cooking: 6, Mechanical: 2, Charisma: 2, Creativity: 2
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -1%, Hygiene: -2%, Energy: -7%, Fun: -1%
"This was a smart move: you can still belittle people, eat like royalty AND get paid for it! The only drawbacks are that you need a shred of creativity and have to constantly network for new gigs. At least you can sleep in late."
Salary: §335
Time: 15.00-23.00 (3.00pm-11.00pm), Carpool arrives at 14.00 (2.00pm)
Requirements: Friends: 3, Cooking: 6, Mechanical: 3, Charisma: 4, Creativity: 3
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -1%, Hygiene: -1%, Energy: -5%, Fun: -1%
Salary: §335
Time: 15.00-23.00 (3.00pm-11.00pm), Carpool arrives at 14.00 (2.00pm)
Requirements: Friends: 3, Cooking: 6, Mechanical: 3, Charisma: 4, Creativity: 3
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -1%, Hygiene: -1%, Energy: -5%, Fun: -1%
"You translated your passion as a critic into a career as an author! Everyone wants to make the recipes you dream up, no matter how obscure the ingredients or laborious the cooking. Just keep smiling and signing copies...this could lead to something BIG."
Salary: §580
Time: 15.00-23.00 (3.00pm-11.00pm), Carpool arrives at 14.00 (2.00pm)
Requirements: Friends: 5, Cooking: 8, Mechanical: 4, Charisma: 5, Creativity: 4
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -2%, Hygiene: -3%, Energy: -6%, Fun: -1%
Salary: §580
Time: 15.00-23.00 (3.00pm-11.00pm), Carpool arrives at 14.00 (2.00pm)
Requirements: Friends: 5, Cooking: 8, Mechanical: 4, Charisma: 5, Creativity: 4
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -2%, Hygiene: -3%, Energy: -6%, Fun: -1%
"With your celebrity and connections as a famous author, opening your own chain of pretentious bistros was almost inevitable. Now you’re competing on a national scale. Keep cooking up the next big gastrointestinal thing, and use your old critic friends to hype up your business."
Salary: §690
Time: 9.00-14.00 (9.00am-2.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 6, Cooking: 8, Mechanical: 4, Charisma: 7, Creativity: 5
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -4%, Hygiene: -5%, Energy: -10%, Fun: -2%, Social: -2%
Salary: §690
Time: 9.00-14.00 (9.00am-2.00pm), Carpool arrives at 8.00 (8.00am)
Requirements: Friends: 6, Cooking: 8, Mechanical: 4, Charisma: 7, Creativity: 5
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -4%, Hygiene: -5%, Energy: -10%, Fun: -2%, Social: -2%
"The hype paid off! Restaurants only reach a few wealthy Sims, but television reaches MILLIONS! From the lost subtleties of "perfect toast," to the massive complexity of "wedding banquets in 30 minutes," your culinary cunning will have couch potatoes drooling from Rio to Reykjavik."
Salary: §760
Time: 15.00-23.00 (3.00pm-11.00pm), Carpool arrives at 14.00 (2.00pm)
Requirements: Friends: 9, Cooking: 10, Mechanical: 4, Charisma: 8, Creativity: 5
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -2%, Hygiene: -4%, Energy: -7%, Fun: -2%
Salary: §760
Time: 15.00-23.00 (3.00pm-11.00pm), Carpool arrives at 14.00 (2.00pm)
Requirements: Friends: 9, Cooking: 10, Mechanical: 4, Charisma: 8, Creativity: 5
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -2%, Hygiene: -4%, Energy: -7%, Fun: -2%
"Your new candy bar lets the world know you have ARRIVED. From supermarket checkout lines, to vending machines, to your Chocolate Land theme park, the profits pour in as the corn syrup pours out! Life is SWEEEEEET!"
Salary: §930
Time: 16.00-23.00 (4.00pm-11.00pm), Carpool arrives at 15.00 (3.00pm)
Requirements: Friends: 11, Cooking: 10, Mechanical: 5, Charisma: 10, Creativity: 6
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -4%, Hygiene: -5%, Energy: -9%, Fun: -3%
Salary: §930
Time: 16.00-23.00 (4.00pm-11.00pm), Carpool arrives at 15.00 (3.00pm)
Requirements: Friends: 11, Cooking: 10, Mechanical: 5, Charisma: 10, Creativity: 6
Mood Change (per hour): Hunger: -4%, Hygiene: -5%, Energy: -9%, Fun: -3%
"While working on your latest candy bar creation, you accidentally discover a new form of hot chocolate that never gets cold. The government is extremely interested in your find, and offers you a position as a Top Secret Researcher. You are now in the Science career track."
New job: Mad Scientist (Science career, eighth job)
New job: Mad Scientist (Science career, eighth job)
Written at 01:16 2003n Saturday 19 April 2003 by ChEeTaH.
Last updated at 22:37 2003n Sunday 21 December 2003.
Last updated at 22:37 2003n Sunday 21 December 2003.