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Monday 29 January 2007
Simsshoppe: SimShoppe is now free
Written at 18:23 by Jendea - 7 comments.
I just converted the old subscription/donation site, SimsShoppe, to a free site - no passwords or anything required.
Enjoy. :) -jendea

Saturday 21 January 2006
TheSidDog.com: New Sims 2 Machinima Site
Written at 2:08 by ChEeTaH - 1 comment.
Many people make movies with the Sims 2, and so does TheSidDog. He has opened up a new website on which he has posted his machinima movies. Since the Sims 2 was released TheSidDog has made movies, some of which were contest entries, and others were made just for fun. 11 Of his movies can be downloaded from the website, supporting broadband, dial-up and even iPod Video users. Besides that you can find a BAT building for SimCity 4 on the website too. More movies and downloads will be posted in the future, though the focus will remain on the videos. Visit TheSidDog.com to get it all.

Saturday 10 December 2005
Simmie Awards: TSZ Wins Two Simmies!
Written at 17:01 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
SimMedia has given away 14 awards in their annual Simmie Awards, as well as a few special ones. The Sims Zone was nominated in 6 of those 14 categories. Where we lost to the host last year, we've won two awards this time: Best News Site and Best Old Site. There are our 6th and 7th awards so far, and as the space on the right is filling up a bit much, we've created an awards page, complete with acceptance speech and all, where we'll store all our awards. Thank you for all your voting, and congratulations to all the other winners (including our affiliate TSC2, which won the Best Site Design award). See the 05 Winners page for a list of all winners - and check out our awards below!

Friday 29 July 2005
Fangree Sim Universe: New Forums Opened
Written at 19:04 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Three sites, Fangree Sims, Sim Universe and the Sims 2 Office, have joined forces into bringing the community new forums. The new forums are, as many others, a place to talk about the game, ask questions, and more. They've only just started and the place isn't that big yet, but you can register and join in on discussions at any time. Besides forums for several Sims games, you can also talk about Zoo Tycoon or Rollercoaster Tycoon, tell the rest about your own fansite, or you can just have any chat you like. Before posting or registering you're asked to read the rules. Of course you can go to the forums to see all the rest that's happening.

Wednesday 27 July 2005
Sim-Movies: Student Life Contest Rejects
Written at 23:51 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
It's been a while since the winners of the USC Student Life Movie Contest, held by Maxis, were revealed. There were very many submissions to that contest, of which only four won something. Now there's another chance for a few who didn't win, to be crowned winner after all. Sim Movies, a website dedicated to movie-making for the Sims 2, has started a competition where you can choose which of five rejects is the best. Five movies have been nominated: "The Learning Void" by TheSidDog; " The Life of Jake" by Baconandeggzie; "Run" by JPWatt8080; "Pre-Med 101" by Allerahk and "Run, Fries, Run!" by Ninhead1011. Although there are no prizes to win, the winner will be crowned "Student Life Contest - Non Winning Winner." To vote, head over to the rejects contest page. The poll will close 1 August, after which the winner will be announced.

SimStatic: Sim Brother: Evil's Debut
Written at 18:50 by ChEeTaH - 5 comments.
Last week a new series of Sim Brother has started. Not on The Sims Zone, but this time it's one on SimStatic. After four days the first nominations have already taken place. Victoria (Beckham), Ricky (Gervais) and Paris (Hilton) are up for eviction now, voted for by the other contestants Ashlee (Simpson), Brad (Pitt), JC (Chasez), Ozzy (Osbourne) and Pamela (Anderson). After 57 days one of these housemates will have won the series at 16 September. The series has been prepared for the last few months, and with a sparking introductory week, the webmaster says "For this Sim Brother, evil may well be an understatement." Visit the site to follow the series.