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Community News Archive - August, 2002
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Tuesday 6 August 2002
Simstitution: Thumbnail Tutorial
Written at 23:23 by TJ - 1 comment.
There's a great new tutorial for object creators at Simstitution. Does your object's thumbnail in buy mode not look like its supposed to? Trond, webmaser Simstitution, has made a tutorial on how to change the thumbnail. If you're not an object creator you should still head over to Simstitution and check out Tronds great hacked objects.

Sunday 11 August 2002
SimGateway: MadSims and SimGateway merge
Written at 02:18 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Our affiliates MadSims and SimGateway have merged into one site, still called SimGateway. The staff of MadSims has moved over, and their work can now be found on that other affiliate of ours. Because of this merge, the link to MadSims has been removed from the affiliates list. Visit them at www.simgateway.com.

Monday 12 August 2002
blueprint: News Not Posting & BluePrint Pro
Written at 04:36 by TJ - 0 comments.
Quite a bit happened at blueprint last week. First off the news isn't posting, so Bil has been posting his updates in the forum. Bil says the problem should be fixed shortly. Click here to read that post. Bil also announce that Tom and himself are making commercial versions of there programs, blueprint and Career Creator. The company publishing them, Abacus, also published Face Factory, which was made by the creators of That's Life. Don't worry though. Blueprint2 will still be released, and it will be free. To read more click here.

Sims Plus: Great New Objects
Written at 04:42 by TJ - 1 comment.
Sims Plus, if you didn't know already, was the first fansite to get brand new content for The Sims. This time they've really out done themselves. They've posted four Jeep Cherokee Pickups that look like no other trucks before them. They come in red, blue, white, and black, and can be found only at Sims Plus. Make sure to check out all of Sims Plus's original objects including some new objects made with the help of Heather from SimFreaks.

Tuesday 13 August 2002
blueprint: News Posting/More On Pro Versions
Written at 19:51 by TJ - 1 comment.
News is posting at blueprint again, and Bil has shared a link containing some more information about his and Tom's "pro" versions of blueprint and Career Creator. Both of these programs will be $30, and will contain wizards to help you make objects and careers easier. There will be other extras that only the "pro" versions will contain. Click here to go to Abacus's "Game Central" and find out more about these programs.

Wednesday 21 August 2002
The Sims Zone: Open Letter is spreading
Written at 00:42 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
It seems that my open letter to Maxis about The Sims Deluxe is spreading well over the internet. Besides the places where I posted it initially, several fan sites copied or at least mentioned the letter. I posted it at TheSimsResource Forums, N99, the newsgroups alt.games.the-sims and alt.binaries.games.thesims, and the official site's BBS at first. I got notes from a few sites who copied the letter to theirs. These sites include SimChaotics (Ra), SimSites List Forums (Sheytana), SimCrazy (Tiger), our affiliate SimGateway, and finally WorldSims.

BUT: we're still not there! More sites will need to publish the letter, or at least mention it to show they share my opinion. Only then Maxis and EA might wake up, and decide to give us the extras like we deserve. If you have your own site, and share my point of view - as well as that of many others - then please copy the letter to your site. If you visit a forum regularly, where the letter has not yet been posted, then please take the time to do so. The letter can be found right here. If you let me know where it's been posted, then I'll add it to the list. I'll probably send this list off to EA as well, just to show that I'm not the only one by far. That should make them even more aware of what they're actually doing to us.

Spread the word and we'll get what we want - and deserve!

Friday 30 August 2002
The Sims Resource: TSR Goes Pay
Written at 00:26 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The Sims Resource has gone nearly completely pay. They've been struggling to keep open as always for over two and a half. However, costs have risen so high that they changed the model. The new name: TSR v2. All the time, there are about 2000 free downloads still available, and 3 days 2000 new downloads are selected. You can browse the complete catalogs still, and downloadable items are marked. The forums and BluePrint remain free. The subscribers fee has gone down a little, and check payments can now be in US Dollars or UK Pounds too. Systems have been upgraded to provide a better service.

You can have your say about this here (in the TSR Forums) and of course in the comments of this news post.