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Community News Archive - March, 2005
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Thursday 10 March 2005
Legacy Challenge: University Rules are Up
Written at 20:46 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Pinstar1161, creator of the famous Legacy Challenge has changed some of the challenge's rules to suit the first expansion pack. The expansion adds a lot of new features for your Sims, and so the new University Legacy Challenge accomodates these. For example, you can now start off with a Young Adult, or resurrect family members who passed away using the Ressurect-O-Nomitron. The score you get for platinum graves has been lowered as it's fairly easy to get one with the new Lifetime wants.

Of course it is still all about honour and fun, so there are no prizes to win whatsoever. If you need a goal for your Sims, then head over to the University Legacy Challenge or the Classic Legacy Challenge.

Friday 18 March 2005
Simdemol: Sim Brother X has begun !!
Written at 18:00 by Andy - 0 comments.
Simdemol has just begun what will be a 71-day series of "Sim Brother X - The Next Generation".

Also, if you want to find more about what makes me tick, why not pop over to the site for an interview I have to their webmaster about our "Sim Brother" and TSZ.

Monday 21 March 2005
Written at 01:03 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
As we announced late February, this site was nominated for an award at the "Best Sim-Site Awards 2005." Although we were late with the news, the voting has paid off as we've won one of them: "Best News/Info site." Congratulations also go out to the other winners, ChicChica.net, which won an amazing number of 3 awards (Best Downloads, Best Community and Best Design), Dazzlyworks (Best New site), and RSW which has won a special award for being nominated in 4 categories. Thanks to all our viewers who voted for us!

Sims Extremos: New Design after Hack
Written at 01:19 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Unfortunately our affiliate Sims Extremos was hacked recently. The site got completely deleted, but fortunately everything has been restored by now. All the content is being restored in bits. Everything, except one thing: the design. That has been entirely redone, and when you now visit our affiliate you'll see a brand new design. The site is still mainly in Spanish, with only a few little things in English, but nevertheless it is worth a visit.

DatGen: Version 0.7 Released
Written at 20:13 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
A little while ago, DarkMatter and his team released version 0.7.0 of DatGen. This editor, originally made for SimCity 4, edits Package files used in the Sims 2 and SimCity 4. Although the program is currently not yet complete, and still far from very user friendly, it is in active development. In the future there will be plug-ins which will make a lot of tasks like editing your Sims very easy to do. The program has seen version 0.7.3 by now too, which you can get from the downloads page on the site. If you ever feel like talking to the people behind it, then you can find the DatGen chatroom at The Sims Resource chat.

Tuesday 22 March 2005
SimsZone: Five Years SimsZone
Written at 00:05 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Our German colleagues of SimsZone have been around for five years already. Over the past years they've provided the community with a lot of Sims and SimCity news, downloads, info, and a lot more. To celebrate their fifth anniversary they've put up a special with congratulations from several people, thank-yous, a time-line of the site. German, Austrian and Swiss visitors of the site can also enter a sweepstakes contest in which they can win several prizes, including The Sims 2 Universiy, magazine memberships, or some Sims 2 merchandise. Check out the (German) special for all the details.

Congratulations SimsZone!

Wednesday 23 March 2005
SimLogical: Download leaves Objects at Home
Written at 00:05 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Fansite SimLogical, famous for special downloads, has recently posted one which allows you to set if an objects should be left behind when a family moves out. Using this "Stay-Things Shrub", you no longer have to refurnish homes every time you move a family out of it, or you can finally keep those gravestones until the family moves out and they are sold. If you change your mind you can always change the setting again.

Other hacks available on this site are an experimental one to change the default length of the different ages, a pay toilet, an auto-refill patch for fridges, several doors which can be locked, teleporters, and a lot more. You can find them all on the Sims 2 page at SimLogical.

Thursday 31 March 2005
WorldSims: SimSurfari Contest Launched
Written at 01:30 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Our affiliate WorldSims has, along with several other fansites including SimsSational, SimGames.net, SimStuff, SimMovies and sponsor GeilUSA, launched a new contest called SimSurfari. The goal is to work out several clues, follow hidden links, and so get secret codes. The links are spread all over the participating sites, taking you all through them and making you check out every part of it. You can only participate in the contest if you're 13 years or older, and live in the United States or Canada. You can win 1Gb of RAM memory for in your computer, or mousepads and keychains. The better you do, the more likely you are to win, as the amount of codes you found and how fast you did it are all part of the scoring system. For all the rules, see this thread in the WorldSims forums. For more information see the SimSurfari forum.

Written at 23:34 by ChEeTaH - 2 comments.
HuckoolProductions.com, which has done two series of The Sims: Big Brother before, are going to do it again. Taking 8 fake characters, made by fans, the site will report on a day-to-day basis for as long as the show lasts. Earlier series were done in the Sims 1, but now they'll be using the 3D power of the Sims 2. The site is now looking for people who are willing to participate in the series, and although there is nothing to win but pride, they encourage you to make a nice character. Previous participants can participate again, but of course new people are welcome too. Fill in the application form to join in.