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Community News Archive - December, 2002
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Sunday 1 December 2002
IFF Edit: IFF Pencil 2 Beta released
Written at 01:12 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Tom van Dijk has released a beta of version 2 of IFF Edit. This program can be used to (manually!) edit .iff files and such. IFF files are the most used files in The Sims - they're used to hold objects, walls, floors and more. Included is also a script.txt file that 'translates' the SimAntics language - a bit like Script Station once did. A brief description of that programming language is also in the zip file. You can find IFF Pencil 2 on this page. Note: this program is really for advanced users only. Use at your own risk, and do not edit files with this if you don't know what you're doing!

Friday 6 December 2002
TheSimsResource: New download/installer tool
Written at 01:09 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The Sims Resource now has a new tool with which you can download and install their files with just a few clicks. Here's a snippet from their frontpage about it:
"The New File Manager allows you to do just that. Browse the entire 41,000 item database here at The Sims Resource using our unique tool and install items into your game on a single click of your mouse. No need for Winzip or even Windows Explorer. Once set up, the File Manager will download, unzip and extract files to the correct game folders instantly in the background! You can even use it to browse the items you have installed in your game, and swap them out into storage to remove them from your game. Swap them in and out as often as you like without needing to download them again in future."
Unlike SimsZip and the SimsFileMaid this program does not allow you to install downloads from other sites. You also have to be a TSR member to use it. It will run on both a PC and Mac though, as it's basically just a Java-program. For more information and details, visit this page.

Saturday 7 December 2002
World Sims: World Sims and Awesome Sims merge
Written at 00:34 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Maxis has leaked the news yesterday in their community update (at the front page) that WorldSims.org and Awesome Sims have merged. Before a press release could be written by the staff of WorldSims/Awesome Sims, Maxis already published the news. The reasons was the lack of staff recently at Awesome Sims. Closing Awesome Sims was not an option, so Mattvols and Melody decided to join the WorldSims team. The article about the merge can be found by following this link at WorldSims.

Friday 13 December 2002
WestCoast Sims: New design
Written at 21:30 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
West Coast Sims has changed their design, to a stunning new layout with a back background, red buttons and some cool graphics... Sounds worse than it is, really. Also, their links section has been checked and all the links in there should be working. They have some very good looking skins (including meshes) as well on it available for download. It's definately worth some checking out.

Saturday 14 December 2002
Moni's Sims: Downloads taken offline
Written at 18:48 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Moni's Sims has taken offline their downloads. This is due to bandwidth problems. However, you can still get their files if you want, in 3 different ways: by downloading through FilePlanet (which usually takes a very long time), by downloading it through a FileSharing program (eDonkey or eMule) or by ordering a CD (€14.00 in Europe, or $15.50 outside Europe). To get the CD with all files on it, you do need to have a PayPal account though, otherwise you can't pay. The files can still be previewed on the site, but that's all there is too. More information about this 'renovation' can be found over here.

Wednesday 25 December 2002
Simmers Link Page: New links site
Written at 00:40 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
A new site with links to many sites about The Sims has been launched: the Simmers Link Page. It's in Dutch, although everybody will be able to find links to their sites. Even this site is listed! Some of the categories of links are Dutch sites, but there are also quite some links to English sites. If you want to find more sites about The Sims, then this site is quite interesting (especially for Dutch fans). Pay them a visit at http://www.lnqs.com/liane.

MadSims.net: Site manager wanted
Written at 01:24 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Our affiliate MadSims is looking for a site manager who can take care of the network for at least until June. The webmaster (Paul) is having some big exams coming up and won't have enough time to work on the site. If you know html, some php (not necessary, but preferred) and like The Sims, then you can contact Paul for more information. Basically you will have control over the whole network for a while, as if you're the webmaster. Drop MadSims a line if you're interested. More details information is at the site.

Saturday 28 December 2002
The Gamers HQ: Gamers HQ closes down
Written at 23:58 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The Gamers HQ and its subchannels Fusion Creations, Object Makers Guild and The Sims Online Terminal are closing down. The reasons are that it takes too much time for the webmaster to keep the site maintained. Besides that, there were some financial problems. Fusion Creations was known for their original and hacked objects of high quality. You can still download those, but for how long is unknown. You can still download the objects at this moment, but they could be taken offline - together with the site - at any time.