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The Sim's 2 University: The Sim's 2 University Events
Not only Webmasters from our own The Sims Zone at Maxis' The Sim's 2 University, but Webmasters from The Sims Resource, The Sims Zone, The Well Dressed Sim, Sim Freaks, Secret Sims, 7 Deadly Sims, SimSational, World Sims, The Sims 2 Resource, Sim Stuff, Die Sims, and Killer Sims were all there too. This event has allowed many site have bring a lot of news, information, and articles to their site about TS2U.
WorldSims will be holding a chat to discuss the experiences of The Sims 2 University. They hope to have some special guests there as well. The chat is going to be on December 6, 2003 yet no time has been determined yet. Check their site for more information.

The Sims Resource have posted several "previews" of things they have learned in their "The Sims 2" section. Their first article is on CaSIE and their second is on object creation. Maxis took a few moments during TS2U to interview TheSimsResource. They have posted the interview on the official TS2 site here.

The Well Dressed Sim have a few TS2U articles in their The Sims 2 Watch. Their first article is Real Estate and The Sims 2, and their second in on Fan Site Relationships with Electronic Arts/Maxis, and they have more to come.

SimSational Sim Games is working on lots of mini previews about what they learned. So check their site soon for information on what they found.

And if you haven't seen the great articles put together by this site, The Sims Zone, then you must check out TSZ's article here.

Many of the other sites have written a small general article on TS2U, and/or are still working on features to put up so check them out too. Everyone had a great time. I hope Maxis holds more events like this in the future.

Written at 00:35 2003n Sunday, 23 November 2003 by Stash.

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