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Millennium Sims: Updated mirror available
Millennium Sims has updated their mirror. It's not just a mirror, but a special one, simply because it has a lot of options. There are about 50 features, including making friends or falling in love (not you, your Sims!), improving skills, get in a great mood, increase interests, get a promotion or a star, or receive Vacation tickets (the ones you can buy prizes with). The full list of features is at this page. The mirror can be found in the Objects section, between the miscellaneous bunch. This new version has most bugs fixed (at least all known ones), but it won't automatically overwrite the old version(s) due to some necessary changes. If you have already installed an old version of the Magic Mirror, you'll need to delete it first.

Written at 00:00 2003n Wednesday, 18 June 2003 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 14:15 on Sunday, 29 June 2003 by Angela (sri_lankan)
i'm exicted, but where can i get this "mirror" :D ok, I know where it is...now

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