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TheSimsResource: New download/installer tool
The Sims Resource now has a new tool with which you can download and install their files with just a few clicks. Here's a snippet from their frontpage about it:
"The New File Manager allows you to do just that. Browse the entire 41,000 item database here at The Sims Resource using our unique tool and install items into your game on a single click of your mouse. No need for Winzip or even Windows Explorer. Once set up, the File Manager will download, unzip and extract files to the correct game folders instantly in the background! You can even use it to browse the items you have installed in your game, and swap them out into storage to remove them from your game. Swap them in and out as often as you like without needing to download them again in future."
Unlike SimsZip and the SimsFileMaid this program does not allow you to install downloads from other sites. You also have to be a TSR member to use it. It will run on both a PC and Mac though, as it's basically just a Java-program. For more information and details, visit this page.

Written at 01:09 2002n Friday, 6 December 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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