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TheSidDog.com: New Sims 2 Machinima Site
Many people make movies with the Sims 2, and so does TheSidDog. He has opened up a new website on which he has posted his machinima movies. Since the Sims 2 was released TheSidDog has made movies, some of which were contest entries, and others were made just for fun. 11 Of his movies can be downloaded from the website, supporting broadband, dial-up and even iPod Video users. Besides that you can find a BAT building for SimCity 4 on the website too. More movies and downloads will be posted in the future, though the focus will remain on the videos. Visit TheSidDog.com to get it all.

Written at 02:08 2006n Saturday, 21 January 2006 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 16:29 on Wednesday, 3 January 2007 by Christian (internet)
Is it a 2 story house

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