Sim Programs, a fansite dedicated to providing awesome tools and programs for The Sims, has released a new tool: SimPaintShop. SimPaintShop is a tool that lets you create new paintings based on templates found in The Sims. By using The Sims Transmogrifier, you can clone a painting, and use this new program to import any images
you want to turn into a new painting. The program is similar to "The Sims: Art Studio" (by Maxis), but this tool has a wider selection of choices. Right now only Single-Tiled Paintings can be cloned and edited, but they are working on the ability to work on Multi-Tiled ones too. This tool is free, and easy to use. So surf over to Sim Programs, download this awesome tool, and start creating awesome paintings today!
Written at 00:57 2004n Saturday, 3 April 2004 by Stash.