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WorldSims: Sims 2 Screensaver
Our affiliate WorldSims has posted an interesting file yesterday: a screensaver. If you can't get enough of the Sims 2, even when you're not at your computer, then that screensaver is a great solution. After downloading and installing the 19 Mb (!) file, you will be able to select it as your screensaver in the Control Panel. Once you stop working for the selected period of time then, you'll see a ton of screenshots of The Sims 2 come by on your screen, with (if you want) some music in the background. You can set up several things as well, like the order of the screenshots, when the screensaver should disappear again, and how quickly the screenshots should change every time. It comes with an easy installation, so there's no need to go through a hassle of unzipping whatsoever. You can get the file from this page.

Written at 14:50 2004n Sunday, 11 January 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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