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E3: Sims 2 Live Stage Demo
Two people of Maxis have visited GameSpot at the E3 to talk about the Sims 2 on consoles. A video where GameSpot talks to Virigina McArthur, producer for the Sims 2 Handheld, has been posted to be streamed for free. The video shows the first moving images of The Sims 2 on DS, GBA, phones and PlayStation 2, all in about 18 minutes. For the handhelds the quality isn't too great, as a camera watches over the shoulder of Virginia as she plays, but for the PS2 version the game is shown quite well. Read on for the details from the video.

Virginia emphasizes the game is all about customization. On the DS version she shows creating a Sim, and the first pieces of getting her into Strangetown and doing some socialising. Meanwhile, the basics of the game are explained - complete the story, keep your moods up, and fulfil your aspirations. The music-feature is also briefly shown. It allows you to record your own music using the microphone, and use that in the game.

Next is the GBA version, in which you'll have to succeed in 20 episodes which are being rated by the Goths. Every episode has its own little intro, but before you start you have to pick an aspiration to define your wants and fears. Needs are implicit this time, so you don't have to track seven needs. Instead there's a sort of sanity meter, and when that gets to a low you'll be taken to the insane asylum. She shows Tank, who will guide you through the first basics of the game. While playing the game, you can earn money by acting in commercials.

The Sims 2 will also be released on mobile phones. It'll bring your phone to life, as you'll be able to "skin" your phone. By playing the game, you'll get Sims-based skins, rewards and ringtones. In this game they do have needs and skills, but also an aspiration. Direct control is also available in the mobile version. Mobiles can be connected to the server, and so other player Sims will enter your realm. You can then trade items with them. EA is preparing the game for over 100 handsets, which will all be supported. There will be 3 versions: 64Kb, 128Kb and 178Kb.

For the Sims 2 on PlayStation 2, a guy called Alex is given the microphone and controller. He shows the console version of the game, which has taken the best features of the PC version, mixed with some exclusive console features. Alex starts with Create-A-Sim which is similar to the PC version. The next screen is the neighborhood. There will 16 locations there, of which 12 are story-based and 4 are free-play (like in Bustin' Out for example). The free-play is more like the classic game, whereas the story-based one show off different aspects of the simulator.

As you enter a lot, the camera zooms in on it, and shows you the thoughts of the Sims on the lot. Wants and fears are there again, and there will also be story-based goals. Direct control is also a new feature for the consoles, and some devices can be used directly. A fire extinguisher can, for example, be picked up and used to extinguish a fire. Putting it out by hand is faster, though you can still use the classic way to control the game, and queue up actions.

Every platform will be a different game, though all the Sims 2. GameCube, PS2 and Xbox are one, then there are the GBA, DS, PSP and Phone versions, which are all different. They are all focussed on the single-player experience, so besides trading there won't be much online gameplay. There is a two-player split screen (co-operative) for the console versions though. To see the video, head over to GameSpot's media page.
Written at 04:03 on Thursday, 19 May 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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