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Files >> (Lot 2) Large Mansion
(Lot 2) Large Mansion

(Lot 2) Large Mansion Preview Added: 23 July 2004, 17:34
Author: Andrew Dahl
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 345 Kb
Downloaded: 8195 times (1.10 times per day)
Requires: All expansion packs up to and including Makin' Magic
Sections: Houses

A large, partly furnished mansion. Contains a magic room.
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Written at 05:14 on Saturday, 24 July 2004 by Andrew Dahl (Andrew_Dahl)
I love this house, well, duh... I made it! lol
Currently working on 'The Brookton'. Just completed 'The Terrell'.

Written at 11:40 on Monday, 26 July 2004 by Jenni (meanaxi)
nice, but a bit too big...ithink id get lost!!! jenni

Written at 16:36 on Tuesday, 27 July 2004 by Andrew Dahl (Andrew_Dahl)
lol, mabe i will make a smaller one next time
Currently working on 'The Brookton'. Just completed 'The Terrell'.

Written at 16:58 on Tuesday, 27 July 2004 by amy (pritybabe04)
i cannot wait to dowloads this house and add a funki feel to it
ashlee udell

Written at 12:12 on Monday, 2 August 2004 by Jerry Johnson (jerry542)
I love it, but how much will it cost after i add it in?
I have had bigger.

Written at 19:46 on Friday, 3 September 2004 by Leanne (xXxQTxXx)
It's lovely, I would manage getting lost to live there!

Written at 14:10 on Thursday, 9 September 2004 by Justin Lau (Juztin_92)
It is big and nice but empty
Juz Rok On...

Written at 21:18 on Sunday, 12 September 2004 by linda ricketts (annessayahala)
Love it.....Ihate small houses...I make mine at least 22000 sq ft with a pool and an outdoor inclosed bathroom, also bbq area and basketball court!!!

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