Themed Sets
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"The Natural Collection" Stucco Walls
Added: 30 April 2008, 05:07
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 406 Kb
Downloaded: 3353 times (0.54 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
Adding that more aesthetic touch to your normally drab stucco walls at an economy price. You can't ask for better than SIMLIX Covering & Paints.
We Like White 2: Build Pack
Added: 11 March 2007, 05:22
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.33 Mb
Downloaded: 6670 times (1.01 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
Custom wall and floor build pack for the We Like White Houses - almost everything in this zip is 1 or 2 simoleons per square foot...er square. Includes almost everything you will need to make the houses marked WLW look like the pictures. Zip Contains: white recolor of two maxis textures (stucco and siding), 4 stone block walls, "SimPergo" style wood floor, colorless tile floors, concrete, more.
Note: Download once for any/all of the WLW houses.
Simple Life Bedroom Set
Added: 6 March 2007, 04:08
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.13 Mb
Downloaded: 21414 times (3.24 times per day)
Requires: The Sims, Pets,
Echo's 3X4 Rug from MTS2
Low poly, low cost bedroom set (Pets). Bed has decent comfort/energy rating and works with Maxis bedding. Dresser still has animation and is also working with Seasons outwear.
4 New mesh objects:
Bedframe - V:364 (with bedding V:1688)
Dresser - V:914
End Table - V:225
Coffee Table - V:116
Zip includes recolor of Echo's 3X4 Rug, and bedding.
(Shown with Maxis Vase and Mirror - not included.)
Brunswick Dining Room Set
Added: 4 March 2007, 03:20
Author: MissWendy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.62 Mb
Downloaded: 19901 times (3.01 times per day)
Requires: The sims 2 and CEP
This lovely "Brunswick Dining Room Set" includes: Long Table (V=469, F=250); Chair (V=652, F=502); Hutch (V=2564, F=2502); and 4 wallpapers
Playboy Bunny Bedroom Set
Added: 20 January 2007, 04:35
Author: MissWendy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 946 Kb
Downloaded: 28979 times (4.36 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2, Pets EP and CEP
Here is a Playboy Bunny Bedroom Set. The set includes: Doublebed (V=1895, F= 2412) Singlebed (V= 1182, F= 1456) Endtable (V= 232, F= 116) 2 Beddings, Wall, and Carpet.
Simplicity Bedroom Set
Added: 18 November 2006, 04:06
Author: MissWendy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 832 Kb
Downloaded: 10503 times (1.57 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2 and Pets EP
Are you tired of your pet sleeping in your bed? Now you can give your furry friend a bed just like yours!
In this complete set you get: Doublebed, singlebed, petbed, endtable, All new meshes...plus: 1 tile and 2 tile curtain recolor, bedding recolor and wall.
Doublebed (V=1384, F=1692), Singlebed (V=1120, F=1452), Petbed (V=1394, F=1768), Endtable (V=1008, F=1022)
Keepsakes Set
Added: 21 October 2006, 12:15
Author: MissWendy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.09 Mb
Downloaded: 14195 times (2.11 times per day)
Requires: The Sims2 and CEP
This is a set that has 4 New Meshes with 2 Recolors of each.
The set includes: CurioCabinet (sculpture) (V=1516, F= 1293)...EndTable1 (V=1305, F= 926)...EndTable2 (V=1132, F= 868)...CoffeeTable (V=1604, F=1811). Each item comes in 3 wood textures: Light, Medium and Dark.
The tables or cabinet comes with unique decorative items inside glass walls.
These will enhance your Sims' homes or businesses.
Daisies4U bedroom set
Added: 20 September 2006, 06:51
Author: MissWendy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 779 Kb
Downloaded: 12588 times (1.86 times per day)
Requires: The Sims2 and CEP
Cute and Flowery..This bedroom set will brighten your Sims day. Set includes: Bed (V=1643,F=1992), EndTable (V=724,F=834), Desk (V=1808,F=2180), Chair (V=678, F=798), and bedding recolor.
Leisure Lifestyle Patio Set
Added: 26 August 2006, 04:10
Author: MissWendy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 1.13 Mb
Downloaded: 10220 times (1.50 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2 and CEP
A great patio set that is comfortable and stylish. 5 new meshes and 3 recolors.
FIFA World Cup 2006 flags
Added: 1 June 2006, 22:37
Author: Starrats
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 209 Kb
Downloaded: 2947 times (0.43 times per day)
Requires: University
All the 32 FIFA World Cup 2006 flags.
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